14 research outputs found

    Gestión por procesos y productividad de la empresa Minera Aurífera Cuatro de Enero Sociedad Anónima - Arequipa, 2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objeto, medir el impacto de la aplicación de la Gestión por procesos en la productividad de la empresa Minera Aurífera Cuatro de Enero Sociedad Anónima - Arequipa, 2020 La investigación fue de tipo aplicada y de diseño preexperimental, longitudinal. La población estuvo conformada por los registros de datos sobre los requerimientos (pedidos) de la empresa. La técnica de recolección fue la observación, a través de la ficha de registro como instrumento, la validez del instrumento se dio mediante el juicio de expertos, y la confiabilidad se realizó mediante la prueba retest. Los resultados estadísticos con U de Mann Withney para demostrar la hipótesis general con un Sig. (Bilateral)= 0,000<0.05, por lo que se rechaza la hipótesis nula y aceptando la hipótesis de la investigación, por lo tanto, se concluye, que la gestión por procesos mejora la productividad, a través de una mejora en la eficacia y eficiencia

    La Gestión De La Carrera, El Desempeño Docente Y La Formación Profesional De La Escuela De Ingeniería De Sistemas De La U.P.L.A. Lima – 2015

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la gestión de la carrera, el desempeño docente y la formación profesional en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la UPLA – Lima 2015. Investigación de tipo básico, nivel descriptivo correlacional, con diseño transversal no experimental. El método usado fue el método hipotético deductivo. La población fue de 948 en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la UPLA, muestra probabilística de 274estudiantes. Se formularon tres instrumentos de recolección de datos, uno para cada variable en estudio, que pasaron por los filtros correspondientes. Los resultados se obtuvieron con el uso del análisis descriptivo e inferencial, para determinar la correlación mediante la prueba Ro de Spearman, Se concluyó que existe una correlación alta significativa y positiva en entre la gestión de la carrera, el desempeño docente y la formación profesional en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la UPLA – Lima 2015

    Analysis of organic flocculants in lead and cadmium biosorption in laboratory-level samples

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    Parte de la Global Sustainability Conference 2022The intention of the work is to evaluate the absorption of lead and cadmium in water, by means of controlled tests, by means of a protocol based on the preparation of 3 types of concentrations of the indicated metals, in a water sample of 1 liter, the used dose of flocculants was made in 5 groups, with varied times of rest of are from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, the method that is presented to evaluate these concentrations, is characterized in being able to use different concentrations, with situations of controlled environment, the most encouraging result was the one that presents a level of concentration of 2. 5 grams of natural flocculant. In order to eliminate cadmium, we have a better response using flocculants based on coconut, grapefruit, tangerine, cucumber and apple fruits.Campus At

    Reflective teaching practice in a remote teaching context by COVID-19

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    In Peru, the coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) has generated an unprecedented crisis in all areas. In the educational sector, this health emergency has caused the massive closure of face-to-face activities in public and private educational institutions, teachers and students have had to reinvent themselves to continue with the teaching-learning process. The objective of this research was to describe the level of reflection of teachers on their practice in a distance learning context using Covid-19. This research was quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional. A sample of 300 teachers was taken. Of the three levels with 100 teachers each, some levels stand out with a higher percentage in the reflection processes by dimensions. In conclusion, the comparative result between the initial, primary and secondary levels of RED 7, the jurisdiction of UGEL 05 on the process of reflection on the pedagogical practice of teachers in the context of distance learning by Covid-19 describes that 84% of the NI execute it always; 74% of the NP, 76% of the NS and 25% execute it almost always.Campus At

    Method for registration of vaccines for covid 19, through nfc technology

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    Conferencia de la 8th Eighth International Virtual Conference on Biosignals, Images, and Instrumentation (ICBSII).In these times of pandemic caused by Covid-19, new ways of dealing with the effects of the virus emerge, for this reason multiple measures are being carried out with the intention of mitigating its effects in the event of a possible contagion, which is why vaccinations are being carried out massive in order to be able to defend oneself against potential contagions, in this work an application made using the NFC communication protocol that mobile devices have is shown, as a result the demonstration of the use of the application is presented, where it reflects the data to be entered and can be viewed from any device.Campus At

    Application of web design in the influence of positioning, based on SEO methodology, applied to the company the company EuroPerú S.A.C.

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    The project consists of the implementation of the SEO methodology to the website of the company Europeru S.A.C under the brand name "modaGuiss" with the aim of generating a presence on the internet and positioning it in the first Google search results; to increase the passive and active traffic of the page and therefore, increase in potential customers, interactions, followers, etc. Finally, the web application “ModaGuiss | Footwear and Shoes” starting from the design of the page through the analysis of the competition with free tools for searching and filtering meta information for subsequent implementation of indexing in the consoles of the aforementioned search engines. With what was obtained as a result, appear in the search results with the words: ModaGuiss, Zapatos Guiss, Zapatos Huancayo, etc. However, to climb positions it was necessary to generate backlinks to our page and maintain constant activity. At the end of the development of the web app and the positioning, good results were obtained such as the positioning of the brand and domain name, by comparing the page without SEO and the page created with SEO, it was possible to specify that the SEO methodology allows you to position quickly in search engines, unlike not using it, which takes months or years to position your page.Campus At

    Low cost system based on infrared technology for water management

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    Water is an essential element in the life of the human being for which its conservation and good use is necessary, in this work we make a proposal for the development of a low-cost system for water management in order to save on Its consumption, using infrared technology, the results provide a mechanism that can be replicated and at different scales, by the use of commonly used devices.Campus At

    Emotional intelligence and its relationship with academic stress, in high school students, an approach to the computational model

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    Workshop on Technological Innovations in Education and Knowledge Dissemination, April 22 – 24, 2022, Chennai, IndiaEmotional intelligence is one of the factors that all people are exposed to, in the various activities we carry out, education is not alien, with more emphasis on students, in these times of pandemic, even more so, originating a level of stress inherent to academic activities, in this work we measure these two variables, applied to secondary school students, to know how this is the behavior of the variables under study, the results show that they present a considerable relationship, for the same effect of the online classes, a computational model is also presented where a model of how to evaluate these variables with their respective dimensions is presented, the model was carried out using the Matlab tool with neural network techniques.Campus At

    Smart system model for the recruitment of teachers

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    Times change, for many reasons, due to technological development, new ways of doing things and in some cases forced by a global condition, is the case of the present case, where we analyze the teacher selection processes, although many of the Academic activities are developed at a distance, the selection processes also accompany this model, in this process factors that must be presented according to the profile required by the institution are analyzed, in this work a technique is proposed to be able to classify the best candidates in a Teacher selection process, the methodology consists of analyzing three groups of characteristics that the candidates must present, such as the writing exercises, the group interview and finally a demonstration class, in each of them particular criteria are evaluated, a demonstrative example It is presented as a demonstration, where it can be conditioned according to the criteria of each ins As a result, we have a computational model based on neural networks, where the best candidates can be pre-selected or classified in a teacher selection process, the prototype can be scaled and used in different sectors.Campus At

    Methodology for information security, in the process of sending biomedical signals in telemedicine applications for rural areas

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    With the advancement of information and communication technologies, new ways of being able to transmit information from remote places where they are technologically inaccessible are being presented, these applications related to the health area, gain importance because in areas with little access to technology and much more to mobile technology, it occurs in most of the countries of South America, where due to the conditions of the Andes mountain range, this work makes it very difficult to implement large-scale solutions. But the need for health care cannot be ignored and much more when the population is at risk. This work proposes a methodology to be able to transmit medical information safely and with integrity, and with it biomedical signals, for solutions where telemedicine is applied, the methodology proposes a communication protocol based on the ordering of information based on a priority structure and XML modeling for sending and receiving, the result presented is an easy to implement and scalable protocol depending on the complexity of the information to send and is not linked to a particular telecommunication network, it can be implemented in telephone networks and wireless networks of different architecture.Campus At